Why Bow-Wowza?

Why Bow-Wowza?

Why Bow-Wowza?
Using evidence-based research, Bow-Wowza offers children a set of tools to support their mental wellbeing and develop emotional resilience – all delivered through entertainment and fun… with the goal of empowering our younger generation to flourish, now and throughout their lives.

grow up.

(specifically ages 6-9) is an integral formative age when social awareness and comparisons increase, often negatively impacting self-esteem and confidence. Our goal is to give children the tools to nurture self-compassion, emotional growth and a resilient mindset - ultimately empowering them to
navigate the ups and
downs of life.

of mental health problems are established by the age of 14. Bow-Wowza aims to offer preventative tools so children can be proactive in taking care of their wellbeing.

Positive Focus
Drawing the mind towards positives rather than negatives can help foster a positive mindset – linked to greater happiness.
The Bow-Wowza content encourages children to focus on the good things, using positive language, and suggesting ways for children to nurture a positive mindset during their day-to-day lives – supporting them to see their doggy bowl as half full!

Mindfulness practise – or being in the present moment – is able to strengthen attention and emotional regulation. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that mindfulness has positive effects on wellbeing for children as well as adults.
Bow-Wowza encourages children to practice mindfulness through our canine activities and videos. Content includes mindful breathing, meditations, and techniques that can be used by children whenever and wherever they need.

Showing gratitude and thankfulness for the good things and people in our lives impacts our wellbeing in a wealth of different ways including an increase in positive emotions and higher levels of optimism.
Characters in Bow-Wowza express their gratitude in the video content, and children are encouraged to take this practise away with them, through activities on PopJam and other resources.
Bow-Wowza content empowers children to be kind to themselves as well as others. Children are encouraged to avoid comparisons and to accept their array of emotions as normal and healthy.

Bow-Wowza encourages the fostering of positive relationships through encouraging children to be kind and grateful towards others – as demonstrated through the Bow-Wowza characters’ positive relationships with one another.

Exercise has the power to have a great positive impact on mood. Strenuous activity triggers the release of endorphins which has the effect of calming the mind. Active children have even been found to have high levels of life satisfaction.
The Bow-Wowza characters, particularly our very own Joe Sniffs, encourage children to get moving and shaking through the video content. Social media posts also give children ideas for how to get active in the real world.

Kindness is not only a popular topic amongst children, but it also contributes to both mental and physical health. For children, it has been linked to an increase in the ability to think flexibly as well as greater empathy. What’s more, kindness has a ripple effect allowing it to spread much further than the initial act.
Kindness is ingrained in Bow-Wowza through the caring behaviour characters show towards each other in the video content – something that children can emulate. Resources and content on PopJam also encourage children to take kindness into the real world – for example, through the #bebowwowzakind social campaign.

Music has been shown to have the power to instil positive emotion and contribute to a happier perception of life.
Music is used throughout Bow-Wowza content – from the upbeat tunes in the background of the video content, to country singing spaniels, to asking children to think about their ‘happy songs’. Bow-Wowza also features music video content for children to enjoy.