About Wellbeing
In Schools
About Wellbeing
In Schools
The Bow-Wowza vision is to empower every child to flourish – so what better way to do this than by putting wellbeing at the heart of schools and in the classroom? Flourishing pupils are not only happier, but they learn better too.
By teaching Key Stage 1 and 2 children that they have the power to manage their mental wellbeing we hope to create a generation more emotionally resilient than ever before. Since 50% of future mental health problems are established before the age of 14, by sharing this work in primary education and embedding good mental habits at an early age, evidence shows we have the greatest chance of creating real impact.
So, if you’d like to learn more about the challenges our society is facing and why schools are the place to effect positive change, please explore some of the links below. These are just a few of the organisations and sources that have inspired, informed, and improved our offering, and we hope you will find them just as useful as we do.
Bow-Wowza’s vision to empower our younger generation begins with the grown-ups who take care of them. If you’re a teacher working towards a more resilient, mentally healthy school environment, it’s important to be aware of your own mental health too.
While Bow-Wowza specialises in children’s wellbeing and entertainment, we have a sister venture, the Happynesshub, for grown-ups! The Happynesshub is a non-profit community of like-minded people who are on a journey to nurture their emotional wellbeing. On our site, you’ll find research, toolkits, and inspiration – entirely free, simple to access, and created with the sole purpose of empowering you in mind.
If you’d like to read more about why teachers’ mental health is as important as the child’s and find more resources for your emotional growth, why not explore some of these pages below?