Bow-Wowza IRL (In Real Life) is full of FREE creative and fun activities for children to develop a positive mindset, and as we like to say#unleashyourbestlifeaway from screens – with and without you!
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Get your child started with their very own Bow-Wowza journal – storing thoughts, reflections, and arty creations! Our Bow-Wowza life hacks encourage children to be comfortable with their emotions, offering them tools to navigate the ups and downs of daily life.
Remember, it’s important to look after yourself and your mental health too – be an example to your child! If you’d like some top tools, then take a look at our sister siteHappynesshub.
Even the most active puppies need a moment or two to themselves. Print this page out for your child and get their cogs turning with our grand old Gratitude Moment sheet, or get them to write down three things ...
The Bow-Wowza cast are always barking about gratitude and giving thanks. Following the instructions, use our Gratitude Tree and the Gratitude Tree Leaves to get your child thinking all things ‘thankful’ in a crafty and creative way ...
Our gratitude box is a great one for your child, and even the whole family. Download our instructions to have a dog-tastic arty experience, all while expressing our fave thing ever - gratitude!
“To our Bow-Wowza Doggo’s, we are thankful for…. you!” Print out our Thank You Letter for your child to complete for themselves. Maybe you could make things extra exciting by paying a trip to the post box and posting it fur-real!
*Breathe in*...*Breathe out*...Print out or copy this picture of our dapper dog Duke flexing his amazing doga yoga skills! Giving your child a focussed task, such as our images for colouring in, is a great way to ...
Get your children moving and shaking with our barking brilliant exercise calendar. Our calendar is a great incentive to get your kids out and about, releasing ‘feel good’ endorphins. Run, jump climb… they name it, they do it!
We’d love you and your children to share what you have made – so use the hashtag #bemorebowwowza and tag @bowwowzaworld to share them on our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and even Popjam!
Together, let’s #bemorebowwowza and #bebowwowzakind